My Trip: The Last Siona Dream

by Don Schaeffer
Honorable Mention, June 2018
Judged by R.T. Castleberry

I was waited for hours
in the darkened corridor
below the stairs. Then I
had one more thing to do,
and someone told me
that the ship had come.
I began the climb
along the white wall.
It was familiar
but not the same.
At the top, the stair
curved behind its
barrier and it took
minutes to find the
end. The room was
warm with sun as I
reached the termination
of my climb. I finally saw her,
a lace dropped over
her head, hands on the
piano keys as she wrote.
I could see the
familiar fingers and almost
touch them with my eyes.
When she sensed me,
she made little
kissy noises with her lips.
There were no words.
Except that I said, I won’t come
back again. And cried.