Shakespearean Soliloquy – Boris Johnson

by Paul A. Freeman
The Write Idea
Third Place, July 2019
Judged by Lois P. Jones

Ambition be my guidance and my star, 
and Number 10 my Calvary; I’ve vied 
for Caesar’s mighty mantle ere today 
when Govius drove in his dagger’s blade 
betwixt mine own two blades before he fled. 
Howl, unchampioned pack! I’ve got the nod. 
A New World sovereign fancies to anoint 
this brazen Brexiteer who brooks no deal – 
no base extortions shall Britannia cede. 
My backer, nay, my brother ’cross the Pond, 
sees mirrored – orange-haired and of his ilk – 
a statesman that embodies love of self 
and craves a pristine homeland free from those 
diluters of our Anglo-Saxon blood. 
E.U., adieu! Cue transatlantic trade! 
From Mayor to Caesar, aye, I’ll catch the flag, 
for leadership is all but in the bag.

This humorous soliloquy deserves attention for its deft use of form and its bravado in mirroring the Bard. With our two twin leaders we are forced to look with humor at the brash Boris, “this brazen Brexiteer who brooks no deal.” It pokes fun at the now Prime Minister’s arrogance and bold claims and his demagogue brother across the Pond, “a statesman that embodies love of self”. Whatever we feel about these two leaders, political humor will always be one of the necessary answers to political disengagement. --Lois P. Jones