Doris Ferleger

Judged: Aug-Sep 2022


Doris Ferleger

Doris Ferleger, former poet laureate of Montgomery County PA and award-winning poet and memoir essayist, is the author of four full length volumes of poetry including Big Silences in a Year of Rain (finalist for the Alice James Books/Beatrice Hawley Award), As the Moon Has Breath, Leavened, and As for the Kiss (finalist for the Cod Hill, Marsh Hawk and Word Works contests), as well as a chapbook entitled When You Become Snow.  been published in numerous journals including Cimarron Review, Delmarva Review, L.A. Review, Poet Lore, The Virginia Normal, and South Carolina Review. She holds an MFA in Poetry and a PhD in Psychology and maintains a telehealth mindfulness/compassion based psychotherapy practice.

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